Rewrite Sentences Without Changing the Meaning | Using Our FREE Online Tool

When it comes to writing content for a blog post or article, one of the easiest methods to do this is to rewrite sentences without changing the meaning.

You can use an online tool to do this too. Let me explain.

For many people, writing an article can be a timely, tedious task and unless they’re in the right frame of mind, it can be quite difficult to sit down and produce some written content.

Especially an entire article that flows from start to finish.

It requires skill and patience and not everyone is capable of doing it.

What Does it Mean to Rewrite Sentences Without Change the Meaning?

The idea behind this writing concept is a simple one. You break down an entire article into individual sentences, and then rewrite or paraphrase each sentence one at a time, but using different wording.

You would then collate all of the newly rewritten sentences to form a brand-new article.

Brand-new as in, unique to Google. Essentially having a unique footprint and contextually structured differently to the original.

However, it is vital that you do not change the meaning of each sentence. Every rewritten sentence or version should correlate to the original in terms of meaning.

If you change the meaning, you run the risk of your finished article not making sense, or being factually incorrect. You also run the risk of saying the same thing ‘twice’.

Therefore, it is very important that you do not elaborate further on the contents of a sentence, and be rigid in how you rewrite it.

Below are some examples of rewriting sentences without changing their meaning.

Original Sentence:

Email marketing originated in 1978 when the first email blast was sent by a guy called Gary Thuerk.

Rewritten Sentence:

A gentleman named Gary Thuerk invented email marketing in 1978 when he sent out the very first mass email campaign.

As you can see, these two sentences are completely different with regards to sentence structure and the wording / synonyms used. However, the meaning between the two sentences remains the same.

There’s two different rewriting techniques being applied here.

The first, is to replace some of the words with suitable synonyms. For example, I changed ‘orignated’ with ‘invented’, and ‘email blast’ to ‘mass email campaign’.

These words retain the same meaning.

The second technique is to paraphrase or reverse the sentence.

For example, in the original sentence, the guys name ‘Gary Thuerk’ is mentioned at the end of the sentence, whilst in the rewritten version, his name is mentioned near the start of the sentence.

You can do this with sentences that have two or more parts.

If you're paraphrasing content to pass plagiarism checkers then you need to follow this strategy.

I hope that you enjoyed this article and got some value from it

You can learn more about how to rewrite a sentence with lots of examples here.

If you’d like access to our FREE article rewriting tool that will help you to rewrite any article one sentence at a time without changing the meaning, GO HERE.