article creator screenshots

Article Writing and SEO Made Easy in 2024

RewriterApp is a 3-in-1 cloud-based article writing platform and paraphrasing tool that simplifies the process of rewriting and "paraphrasing" existing content so that it is 100% unique, and reads perfectly - Just like the original!

Plus many more features! See the list below.

Press Play to Watch the Demo (FREE Version)

Manage Projects, Clients, and More Main user dasboard for the paraphrasing tool
Add Content to Rewrite Paste in original article to rewrite
Feature Packed Rewriting Platform Full paraphrasing and rewriting tool
Automatically Rewrite Entire Articles Rewrite entire articles automatically
Auto Rewrite Any Sentence With a Single Click Rewrite any sentence automatically with a single click
Optimize Any Article to Rank in Google Opimize any article or blog post so that it ranks higher in Google (SEO)
Choose Multiple Synonyms for Multiple Rewrites Program multiple synonyms to create multiple versions of the same article
Rewrite a Single Article With 'Point and Click' Ease Rewrite a single article with point and click ease
Gather, Sort and Filter Research on Any Topic Comprehensive content research tool to quickly gather, sort and filter research on any topic

Complete Article Creation, Topic Research
and Search Engine Optimization Suite Inside One Dashboard

FREE Account

Start rewriting and paraphrasing your articles today so that you can produce fresh, unique, and highly readable content for your websites and niche blogs.

Our FREE version provides you with access to our standard 'rewriting' platform, which allows you to break down your article writing into baby steps.

Upgraded Account
(Includes All Features)

Our low cost membership removes all limitations and opens up a host of new, useful features that will allow you to work on multiple writing projects for both yourself and clients, and improve your writing capabilities.

This upgrade also gives you access to our built-in automated rewriting platform meaning you don't even have to type a word if you don't want to. Simply let our software rewrite and paraphrase your content for you, with the click of a button.

With our low-cost membership you'll also get UNLIMITED ACCESS to our brand-new, innovative "SEO" technology - Allowing you to optimize your articles and blog posts so that they rank higher in Google.

Additionally, you will also gain instant access to our latest feature which is a comprehensive 'topic research' module. This feature allows you to quickly gather and collate thousands of artices from the web, for ANY specific topic or subject - and then filter it down to find the exact facts and information you're looking for. Perfect if you're entering a new niche, or requiring research for your studies.

RewriterApp makes it EASY to produce 100% unique, plagiarism-free, high-quality content


$0/ basic account access

  • Import articles up to 800 words long
  • Access to rewriting platform
  • View word count statistics
  • Uniqueness checker
  • Progress monitor
  • Form NEW article from rewritten sentences
Thesaurus pwered by Datmuse API

Articles: How to Rewrite a Sentence | Rewrite Sentences Without Changing the Meaning | Paraphrasing Plagiarism Checker, and How to Pass them | How Long Does Writer's Block Last and How to Prevent it | How to Improve Article Writing

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