Website to Rewrite Paragraphs
In this article you'll discover the easiest method in which to rewrite paragraphs, and why this is the best approach when rewriting existing articles to create new, unique content for your website.
You'll also have the opportunity to get access to our FREE article rewriting app that will simplify the process of rewriting an article, by breaking it down into baby steps for you. This makes writing extremely easy, especially on topics you know little to nothing about.
Why Do We Need to Rewrite Articles?
If you're needing content for your website or to publish on the web then creating unique content is vital. The reason for this is search engines such as Google do not index or rank duplicate content that is found on another website, and already exists within their index.
Rewriting existing content correctly and effectively means that your content will not be seen as duplicate content and will be considered plagiarism-free by Google and online plagiarism checkers.
Not everyone has the ability to write amazing and engaging articles. However, most people are able to read a small peice of existing text and then reword or paraphrase that text so that it is different whilst retaining the same meaning.
I'm going to explain this rewriting process in more detail and also share details about our website that will allow you to rewrite paragraphs and ultimately create brand-new, unique content.
The Easiest Route to Rewriting an Article
The easiest and quickest route to rewriting an existing article is to break the original article down into baby steps. Rather than reading an entire article (often more than once), digesting the information and understanding the subject matter before writing your own piece.
What you would do is split the article into paragraphs and then split those paragraphs into sentences. You would then rewrite each of the sentences so that they were structurly different (known as paraphrasing) but so they retained the same meaning as the original sentence.
After rewriting each sentence in this manner you would then collate your new sentences in the same order, and finally collate your paragraphs to form a brand new article.
The new article would include the same information as the original but it would be unique in terms of structure, uniquesness and textual pattern. It would be seen as being a new article by Google and other search engines meaning it would get indexed by them and possibly rank and generate traffic.
How to Rewrite a Paraphraph
As mentioned above, you would rewrite a paragraph by breaking it down into sentences and then rewriting each of the sentences. It's very important that you do not elaborate to deeply on the content matter or add any other details that isn't included within the original sentence. Otherwise you may add something that is mentioned in a different sentence that you're yet to rewrite. Essentially resulting in repeated statements.
So, stick strictly to the meaning of the sentence but just paraphrase it so it reads differently.
Which Website Should You Use to Rewrite Paragraphs?
You can use the FREE version of our website app called RewriterApp to rewrite your articles and paragraphs. Our software app will allow you to paste in an article and it will break it down into parapraphs and sentences, and then walk you through the process of rewrting each sentence one at a time.
Once you have finished rewriting your sentences it will collate them back into
- paragraphs
It's a very simple but effective method and it removes the headache of rewriting entire articles from scratch in your own words.
You can see a screenshot below of our article rewriting website.

After rewriting your article / paragraphs and sentences you can run it through a paraphrasing plagiarism checker tool to ensure that your new article is unique and plagiarism-free.
Andy Black